Facts about International dating you must know beforhand
How to safely date a Ukrainian woman in 5 steps
Drastically increase the likelihood of finding your perfect match through this unavoidable 5-steps: The difference between reality and fantasy is your perception. Using a tailored...
Online Dating - The Business of Love Unveiled
When Facebook and Instagram have become more socially acceptable, dating on the Internet gets obsessively addictive. The minute you start “talking” to somebody, you know, you're just, like,...
7 Undisputed Facts That Dating Online is a Numbers Game
After 16 years of matchmaking in Ukraine, coaching men on setting achievable goals, and setting themselves free from online dating virtuality, I can provide clear facts about this phenomenon....
Is it possible to meet a real partner dating online?
With the popularity of dating sites, more and more people insist on outsourcing their love lives to spreadsheets and algorithms, disregarding fundamental factors to meet significant ones. Let me...
Why a Matchmaker to safely marry abroad - the truth in numbers
Often I am asked: "You could guarantee me my matches speak enough English that one doesn't necessarily need a translator?" - This one is easy! When men put me such determinative requirement to...